- Krishe Sapphire, Hitech City Road, Hyderabad
Enterprise Support
Are you getting the highest return on your support investment? Are you able to push all the features in your new releases and more importantly, do you have the ability to quickly turnaround when something fails?
We understand that enterprise level software has its own set of unique requirements, be it on the operational, strategic or scalability aspects. There could be a combination of legacy and stable applications working in tandem with new age products to manage a global set of processes and offer efficiency. We bring in our expertise by analyzing, understanding and supporting your software needs when it comes to maintenance.
We understand that enterprise level software has its own set of unique requirements, be it on the operational, strategic or scalability aspects. There could be a combination of legacy and stable applications working in tandem with new age products to manage a global set of processes and offer efficiency. We bring in our expertise by analyzing, understanding and supporting your software needs when it comes to maintenance.
We help you delink the monopoly that your current software vendor has between license and maintenance. As you own the software, you are not obligated to stay with one vendor. We help you with your support needs by gaining a quick understanding of your existing deployments and plugging any holes that may exist. We support your processes even on different/one-off environments where configuration or deployment issues may creep in.
We study your existing upgrade requirements and advise you if you need to pay for an upgrade or can continue with the existing stable application. If your existing vendor insists on a paid upgrade to continue support, we can study the same and advise you on a better solution. We also do a comparative study if support costs can be saved by moving to the cloud or going on-premise.
Virtual patching – We study your existing code through custom processes to locate vulnerabilities and fix them. We also study patching processes to ascertain their actual effectiveness and time required. After all, large scale software may break during a patching process leading to downtimes in a perfectly functioning environment. We address these issues through virtual patching which are cost effective and tailored.
We offer better leverage for you as you will be free to onboard as many support vendors as you choose.
We understand the need for you to innovate, scale and adapt to the new businesses. Our support strategies will ensure that you are not throttled due to technology bottlenecks. We unblock any issues you may have.
We understand the need for you to innovate, scale and adapt to the new businesses. Our support strategies will ensure that you are not throttled due to technology bottlenecks. We unblock any issues you may have.